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Mental Health & Well-Being

  • Proactive in preventing

  • Reactive in responding to occurrences

  • Prioritise concerns but intervene for all


Statement of Intent

Mental Health is how an individual views their world at a particular point in time. It can be impacted upon by life events that challenge them and it is their ability to respond to that challenge and to get through it. It is their perception of self-worth and their ability to cope under these demanding circumstances. Their success at dealing with these events can be supported by protective factors such as family, friends or skills of resilience and perseverance that have been developed over time.


At Christ Church it is our aim that every child or adult feels welcomed and of equal value. That they are supported and nurtured to reach their full potential. We aim for all stakeholders to feel secure and supported within our setting so that they are able to fully focus on learning and achieving.


Through our Christian ethos we value each other and promote the core values of love, respect, kindness, friendship, honesty, and perseverance. We celebrate diversity and welcome families of all faiths into our caring school.


Within our community at any time we may have adults or pupils struggling with their mental health. This may be due to adverse family experiences or challenges faced through school or work. When our stakeholders feel that their well-being is being adversely impacted we aim to have the mechanisms in place to recognise that they need support and to provide that support either in house or through signposting. We will ensure that Mental Health and Well Being are talked about and taught through PSHE lessons and worship and are supported through the availability of counselling services either in house or externally sourced where appropriate.


It is important that we identify when stakeholders are in need of support so that actions can be taken to proactively support a return to good mental health. Where necessary referrals can be made promptly and actions taken without delay to provide the support that they need. It is important to restore good mental health and well-being at the earliest opportunity so that they can sustain good mental health, accumulate skills and develop strategies to cope. We aim for individuals to develop resilience by promoting a growth mindset and self-care so that they can call upon these coping strategies to continue on their education/ career journey unhindered.


As a school we will develop mechanisms for identifying individuals who are in need of support and a coordinated approach to identify support.

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Do you need some support in supporting your child with their mental health and well-being?


The links below are designed to offer support to parents and families:


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