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Our Governors

The Governors of Christ Church (Church of England) VC Infant School and Nursery and Christ Church (Church of England) VC Junior School Federated on the1st January 2018.

All the Governors of the Christ Church Governing Board have full voting rights with the exception of the Associate Governors. Associate Governors have no voting rights. The Governing Board meets on a monthly basis during term time to discuss and agree all matters relating to the school. There are two sub Committees that meet annually - The Pay Committee and Head Teacher's Performance Management Committee. 
Three other sub committees - Pupil Discipline, Staff Discipline and Appeals Committee are called as needed.

Our Governing Body
Mr Clive Vickers.jpg

Mr C Vickers 

Chair of Governors 

& Co Opted Governor

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Mr J Sadler

Vice Chair

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Mrs S Blower

B.Ed Hons. Executive Head Teacher

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Rev P Wootton 

Foundation Governor

Mrs Lynne Percival.jpg

Mrs L Percival

Foundation Governor

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Mr M Lee

Parent Governor

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Mrs L Williams

LA Governor

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Mrs L Whitaker

Parent Governor

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Mrs S Wilson

Foundation Governor

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Mrs S McHale

Staff Governor

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Mrs R Lunn

Head of School Infants and Nursery and Associate Governor

Mrs J Nash

Mrs J Nash

Head of School Juniors and Associate Governor

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Mrs K Pahal

Co Opted Governor

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Mr Pram Toor

Co Opted Governor

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Revd Dr Alison Bruton

Foundation Governor

Committee Structure
Full Governing Board
Associate Governors
Mrs R Lunn, Head of School – Christ Church Infant School and Nursery
Mrs J Nash, Head of School – Christ Church Junior School
Governor Attendance 2023-2024


CTA - Consent to Absent, ✓ - In attendance, NA - Absence not accepted.  



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