Christ Church is a deeply Christian Federation of schools, welcoming and serving everyone for the common good. All members of the Christ Church community are supported and equipped with the life skills needed to live as valued and valuable members of society as they strive to achieve their God-given potential. This is underpinned by our core Christian values of respect, love, kindness, honesty, perseverance and friendship.
Our Federation:
is fully inclusive, all our members are respected and valued, and can flourish as human beings equally regardless of religion, gender, ability, sexual orientation or background.
provides a challenging, well-balanced and inspirational curriculum that fosters a love of learning.
is an open community who show care, kindness and love to individuals, as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
builds an understanding and appreciation of reconciliation and forgiveness, teaching the value of honesty and the importance of truth.
provides a supportive and enjoyable learning environment in which the children are secure and confident to persevere when faced with a challenge.
values working in partnership with parents - forming a bubble of support, care and guidance - and appreciates the role they play in enriching the experiences of the children
encourages children to develop supportive relationships built on trust and honesty, creating lasting and meaningful friendships.
“Start children off on the way that they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
How is Collective Worship Organised in School?
Collective Worship plays an important part in the life of our schools. Worship at Christ Church is held daily and provides an opportunity to praise God through Bible stories, prayers and songs. It is rooted in the knowledge that God loves us as unique individuals made in the image of God.
Throughout the week, worship is led by staff, clergy and children. Worship also takes place in the classrooms where the children have the opportunity to reflect and meditate.
Monday – Singing praise led by Mr Gray (Music specialist)
Tuesday – Worship is led by a member of the leadership team and is based on our 6 core Christian values (one per half term)
Wednesday – Class/Year group worship
Thursday – Open the Book
Friday – Celebration Praise: We celebrate our achievements during the week and give thanks for our education
Worship begins with the lighting of three candles and an introit and closes with prayer.
Across the federation children are encouraged to play an active part in leading worship. KS2 pupils are welcomed to visit the infant site to deliver collective worship and have supported Y2 pupils in the planning and delivery of whole school worship. It is a joy to see our strong cross phase partnership in action.
Little Leaders
Our Year 2 pupils are provided with opportunities to take on leadership roles within our school, applying to become playground buddies and reading ambassadors. It is wonderful to see our Y2 pupils taking on leadership roles with such confidence and enthusiasm.
Playground Buddies – our playground buddies do a wonderful job caring for other pupils; teaching new skills and leading new games to ensure everyone has a happy and exciting lunchtime. They encourage our children to be active and most importantly, have fun whilst demonstrating kindness and friendship to everyone
Reading Ambassadors – our reading ambassadors inspire others, reading stories to younger pupils with great enthusiasm and expression, developing a love of reading and learning.
Enhancing Our Curriculum Through Our Community
It is always a pleasure to welcome members of our community into school to further enhance our children’s learning and knowledge.
Celebrating Our Kenyan Link
What a wonderful celebration! It was fantastic to see the whole federation come together to celebrate our link with St John’s Buko RC Primary School in Kenya.
The children created their own drums from recycled materials before coming together as a community to perform Jambo Bwana – a traditional Kenyan welcome song.